THE LAST DANCE: Hick and Bennet in Last Place, Face Debate Elimination

And so it begins: The slow death march back into obscurity as two dozen Democrats running for president are weeded out from the next debate, and Colorado’s own two candidates are at the head of the exit line. Democrats have only four weeks to qualify for the September...

SUCCESS! Record Numbers Sign Petition to Save Our Presidential Vote

Congratulations, you crazy kids! Colorado voters accomplished in just a few short months what some leftists insisted couldn’t be done. Not only did they collect the required number of signatures for a recall vote on the so-called Popular Vote bill pushed through the...

MOSTLY FALSE: Bennet Stumbles Out of Debate Gate

Can we get a fact check on aisle one of U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet’s opening statement Wednesday about that Trump campaign sign he claims he saw at a church? Anyone in the media? Anyone? Here’s how Bennet opened at the debate: “Last week, I saw one of those Trump signs...

ONION HOME RUN: Tearful Aide Leads Hick into Woods, Wielding a Rock

We’d be mad at The Onion for muscling into our well-established territory of lampooning former Gov. John Hickenlooper, if we weren’t so jealous we didn’t think of this one, first. The headline says it all. Sources within the satirical and brilliant mind of an Onion...

ROAD TO TAX INCREASE: Prop CC is Not a Pot Hole Solution

The most important question Colorado voters faces in the Nov. 5 election this year: do you believe after years of wasting taxpayer dollars, elected officials will suddenly buck up and start spending wisely if we give them even more tax dollars? If you think...