Governor Jared Polis
All the news that’s fit to print about our dear leader, Governor Jared Polis. Feel free to share any of this news, but we warn you, he may ask you to take it down.
Boulder DA says Polis administration risked lives by releasing violent gang member
Boulder County District Attorney Michael Dougherty slammed the Colorado Department of Corrections in a letter that also outlined the decision not to charge the Longmont police officer who shot Leon Gladwell. Gladwell, who was convicted of murdering his grandmother in...
Red alert: These 15 counties go on lockdown lite under Polis’s color-coded COVID system
Gov. Polis put on his sternest daddy face and counted down from five, all the way to two-and-a-half, before grounding Coloradans for the mysterious spike in COVID cases that seems to have coincided with the impromptu Democrat street parties following the election....
We can’t have Thanksgiving, but Polis wants a special legislative session
Gov. Polis hit a snag in his authoritarian rule after completely ignoring the duly elected state legislature for eight months so now he has to call a special session for lawmakers to approve his $1 billion plan to stimulate pork spending. Polis isn’t sharing his rule...
Polis says Thanksgiving gatherings are ‘a loaded pistol for grandma’s head’
Gov. Polis took COVID panic hyperbole to a new low when he accused Coloradans of trying to kill grandma if they insist on holdingThanksgiving dinner for the extended family. Polis's dramatic warning comes...
Pandemic police crack down on strip joint social distancing and other offenses
Denver’s pandemic police in the health department are going mad with power as they enforce Gov. Polis’s rules and mask mandate that carries a fine up to $1,000 and nearly a year of jail time. In just over two weeks, health officials cited 115 businesses for a range of...
Polis won’t let us have nice things, like beer after 11 p.m.
Gov. Polis and young adults between the age of 20 to 29 are the reasons why Colorado can’t have nice things, whether its a state Capitol sans graffiti, or beer served in a bar after 11 p.m. It’s a peculiar governing style Polis has seized upon to protect us from the...
The Canned Candidate: Hickenlooper Evades Voters, Reporters and Taxes
John Hickenlooper flailed so wildly on the contentious issue of race, one might think the former governor thrilled to campaign on traditional western issues and participate by video in the Colorado Water Congress. One would be wrong. The Democrat’s campaign staff is...
Graffiti capitol or festive tent city? Polis holds contest to redecorate driver’s license
Gov. Polis should be laser focused on critical problems gripping the state like the pandemic, wildfires, and the growing homeless population. Instead, he’s making time to deal with frivolous matters, like the contest our state DMV is launching to redecorate our...
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