Recent Headlines

WILL THE MOVIE BE ON LIFETIME? Hugh Jackman To Portray Gary Hart

Nothing could have convinced us that anything worth watching would come from an upcoming movie portraying the rise and hilariously tragic fall of former U.S. Sen. Gary Hart’s abbreviated run for president. Not even the recent news that Wolverine Hugh Jackman has been...

OPPOSITE DAY? Activists Demand Gardner Speak, Then Yell ‘Shut up!’

A group of protestors who have made pests of themselves in recent weeks to lobby against any changes to Obamacare by getting arrested at U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner’s office, showed up at the Western Conservative Summit in Denver Friday night trying to get arrested, again....

SO NO IDEAS THEN? Bennet Has No New Ideas to Solve Healthcare Crisis

In a hilarious interview between a tanner 9News' Brandon Rittiman and Democratic U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet, Bennet demonstrated that he has no new ideas to fix Obamacare or our healthcare system as a whole. At least, he has no ideas that Republicans haven't already put...

2022 General Election






