Recent Headlines

WIN FOR THE WEST: New Rules For The Grouse And The Rest Of Us

Power is returning back to western states on how to protect the grouse, thanks to new orders from Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke. He took years of complaints from environmentalists to the Obama administration, added concerns from people who actually live here, then...

CRY BABIES: Democrats Blow Their Chance On Mine Spill Disaster

Democrats are so laughably predictive, and hypocritical. When a town hall meeting is called to address environmental concerns — a cornerstone issue of the party — they couldn't care less because the damage was caused by a fellow Democrat. Instead, they turn out in...

LET THE HEALING BEGIN: EPA Admits They’re Hypocrites!

Here is the official government response we’ve all been waiting for since the Gold King Mine disaster: "If anyone else would have done what the EPA had done under Obama, with respect to this spill, they would have likely been put in jail." That was EPA Chief Scott...

TOWN HALL: Gardner Holds Meet Following Gold King Mine Tour

U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner and U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton are holding a town hall meeting today at 2:15 p.m. in Durango to discuss the Gold King Mine tour planned for earlier in the day with EPA officials, which is expected to include the agency chief, Scott Pruitt. The...

DEGETTE’S DIVERSON: She’s Finally Questioned About Staffer Scandal

U.S. Rep. Diana DeGette has finally been questioned about her former IT staffer who was arrested recently as he fled the country for Pakistan. No, the questions didn’t come from this event. Commemorating the @DenverPressClub's 150th anniversary and the critical role...

2022 General Election






