Recent Headlines

WE THOUGHT NOT: Is There a Rush to Cancel Medicaid to Protect Privacy?

The Denver Post reports that 3,400 Coloradans have cancelled their voter registration. It’s an action linked to the presidential commission on election integrity’s request for public information to examine past potential voter fraud and future ways to prevent said...

FLUSH IT: Should Recycled Water Be Used To Grow Pot?

Of course recycled water should be used for toilets in commercial buildings, that makes perfect sense. But we cringe and shudder at the suggestion by Denver Water that recycled water should also be used to wash livestock and for crop irrigation. Because it’s recycled...

GUEST POST: Neutralizing John Oliver’s Net Neutrality Protest

By Kelly Sloan TV comedian John Oliver has called for an online protest today, ostensibly calling in support of an “open and fair” internet. And what is the prescription for which he is calling to ensure such openness and fairness? Turning the reins over to the...

THIS WORKS? Trump Haters Rebel by Cancelling Voter Registration

Nearly 500 people in Denver and 400 in Boulder have cancelled their voter registration — a trend being blamed on a presidential commission’s inquiry into possible voter fraud during the 2016 election. Voters say they don’t trust Trump, they had no idea voter...

DIA STRIKE: Workers Take Away Wheelchairs From Disabled

There was no sign of liberal activists at DIA counter-protesting against striking workers who handle luggage and wheelchair services for passengers. Democratic Socialists of America in particular have a lot of experience protesting on behalf of the disabled, and...

2022 General Election






