Recent Headlines

EXPOSED! Bennet Campaign Funds Come from Big, Out-of-State Donors

U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet’s campaign is bragging about their fundraising prowess, claiming the majority of donations are coming from the little people, with little amounts, and that his war chest is proof he’s a formidable challenger. But, we took a deeper dive and...

BOO BENNET! Democrats Shout Down Senator at Colorado Convention

While Presidential Wannabe Bernie Sanders on Saturday was winning Colorado Democrats’ vote for a second time, U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet’s uncontested nomination was booed. Once Democratic Party Chair Rick Palacio closed the nomination and asked delegates to pick Bennet...

DOLLAR DANCE: Coffman Outraises Carroll, Graham Edges Keyser

Today is the deadline to submit finance reports to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) for the first quarter. According to the Denver Post, topping the fundraising is U.S. Rep. Mike Coffman, who raised $362,000 in the first quarter of 2016. That gives him a war...

BAD BOSS? Bennet’s Strange and Curious Supreme Court Indecision

That awkward moment when you’re asked to give a job recommendation for your former boss, and you hesitate, then say you’re not ready to support him for the position? It appears U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet is in that same tough spot. U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet met Thursday...

PEAK FEED: The Darryl Glenn Speech That Launched a Senate Bid

Before last Saturday, most people barely gave El Paso County Commissioner Darryl Glenn a second thought as he diligently criss-crossed the state delivering his conservative message. That all changed with one speech. We finally have a copy of that speech here for you....

BOO HOO: VA Cries to Denver Crowd that Agency is Misunderstood

Robert McDonald, Captain Obvious of the Veterans Affairs Department, said a mouthful this week during a Denver speech when he proclaimed “You can't fire your way to excellence.” He would know, since he refused to fire anyone for numerous debacles across the agency,...

POLIS POLL: Jared Admits Democrat Process is Rigged

U.S. Rep. Jared Polis, who is ignoring the will of his constituents who elected Bernie Sanders in the primary and is instead using his super delegate powers to give that vote away to Hilary Clinton, thinks that the process is controlled by backroom deals. Sounds like...

2022 General Election






