Recent Headlines

WE REMEMBER: Republicans Honor Martin Luther King, Jr.

Today, Colorado celebrated the life and contributions of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Colorado Republicans were out en masse.  Most visibly, many Republicans joined Colorado's annual Marade, which is the first and largest parade of its kind in the nation, according to...

WOMP WOMP: Pueblo County Election “Scandal” Falls Flat

Last week, the Chieftain reported that Pueblo DA Jeff Chostner announced charges would not be filed against GOP County Chair Becky Mizel for allegedly removing confidential documents from a canvass board meeting because her actions were inadvertent. We wanted to take...

BREAKING BAD: Exploding Colorado Houses Make National News

The legalization of pot has sparked a “Breaking Bad” phenomenon that is causing houses in Colorado to burst into flames. The New York Times explains: But that is exactly what firefighters, courts and lawmakers across the state are confronting these days: amateur...

PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE: Colorado’s Energy Sector Will Take Center Stage

It’s no coincidence, we suspect, that Colorado was chosen by the Republican National Committee to host the presidential debate later this fall that will focus on the economy. Sure, we’ve got the tourism gig down pat, but a significant chunk of our dollars come from...

STATE OF THE STATE: Peak Responds to Hickenlooper’s Speech

Today, Governor John Hickenlooper gave his State of the State address, so we're offering our response.  You're welcome. Hickenlooper: During the last four years, Colorado's General Assembly bucked the trend in Washington, as we avoided gridlock by walking the talk of...

2022 General Election






