Recent Headlines

BASS ACKWARDS: Union Stalwarts Confuse Garnering Headlines With Winning

BASS ACKWARDS: Union Stalwarts Confuse Garnering Headlines With Winning

The Jeffco teachers union has made the fatal mistake of confusing headlines with winning. Just because student protests and teacher sick outs have been in the news for several straight days now, doesn’t mean that they’ve won the larger debate. In fact, they’re...

SUNDAY CARTOON: Udall Backs Thompson Divide Enviros Over Rural Colorado

SUNDAY CARTOON: Udall Backs Thompson Divide Enviros Over Rural Colorado

The self inflicted wounds of embattled Senator Mark Udall are really starting to fester as we head into the home stretch of the campaign.  In addition to Udall coming down on the wrong side of big ticket policy issues, our senior U.S. Senator is also poised to lose...

PLAY IT AGAIN SAM: Udall And The One-Hit Campaigners

PLAY IT AGAIN SAM: Udall And The One-Hit Campaigners

Like a one-hit wonder from the 60s, Sen. Mark Udall and his campaign keep standing up in front of the voters of Colorado saying, “you may remember this little ditty.”  But, the lights in the mostly-empty, truck-stop bar somewhere halfway between Kearney and Hell have...

PeakFeed: NRSC Kicks Udall in Shins Over Dynasty Protest

PeakFeed: NRSC Kicks Udall in Shins Over Dynasty Protest

What happens when a political campaign shows that an ad has gotten under its skin?  The opposition makes another one to mock the outrage, clearly.  Earlier this week, Rep. Cory Gardner released an ad that noted that Mark Udall can't change the Senate because he...

BREEZE AT HIS BACK: After Debate, Coffman Picks Up Steam

BREEZE AT HIS BACK: After Debate, Coffman Picks Up Steam

For all the liberals who were all too eager to claim victory following the debate between Rep. Mike Coffman and his challenger Andrew Romanoff, let these two new rankings silence them.  Following The Denver Post debate in which Romanoff back-tracked on his support for...

OPENING DAY: Fractivist Stacked Polis Commission Begins Today

Today kicked off the first meeting of the Polis Commission, or the oil and gas task force to solve world peace for those of you at home.  While there was a cocktail reception/meet and greet earlier for all the committee members, it was thrown together at the last...

2022 General Election






