Recent Headlines

THE REAL BETSY MARKEY: Lifelong Bureaucrat not Private Sector Leader

THE REAL BETSY MARKEY: Lifelong Bureaucrat not Private Sector Leader

Former Congresswoman Betsy Markey, now candidate for state treasurer, just loves to tout her “private sector experience.”  However, we have to take issue with this after reviewing Markey’s CV because she’s barely spent anytime there.  The bulk of career has actually...

PeakFeed: Gardner Keeps Pressure on Udall over Obamacare Support

Rep. Cory Gardner’s latest television ad tells the story of the 335,000 Coloradans who received healthcare cancellation notices because of Sen. Mark Udall’s support for Obamacare. Gardner's family was among those whose health insurance was cancelled.  They bought...

MORE BAD NEWS: Rothenberg Report Changes CO Gov Race to Leans Dem

This has been another bad week for Governor John Hickenlooper and it just got worse.  The Rothenberg Political Report/Roll Call just downgraded Hick's chances of re-election to Leans Democratic from Democrat Favored.  This is the second national political report to do...

WIMPY HICK: Hickenlooper Refuses To Fight DC To Put Colorado First

PeakNation™, we swear we don’t have a string that makes Gov. John Hickenlooper speak our talking points when pulled, he just does that on his own.  Over these past four years, the two biggest areas in which Hickenlooper has failed Colorado are: his complete and utter...

HISTORY LESSON FOR HICK: The Blue Ribbon Commissions That Went Nowhere

There is nothing Democrats seem to love more than a good ol’ fashion Blue Ribbon Commission.  Former Gov. Bill Ritter was famous for creating them on everything from healthcare and education to transportation.  It actually became a joke that anytime Ritter was too...

PeakFeed: An Ad Actually Talking About Issues Coloradans care about

“What?! There are other issues Coloradans care about more than women reproductive issues???” is surely what Sen. Mark Udall and his campaign are thinking as they watch this new ad produced by Crossroads GPS.  Then again, talking about Obamacare has never been Udall’s...



Since the fracking ballot initiatives that everyone was carefully watching have now been pulled, we thought we would cover the ballot initiatives are actually headed to the 2014 ballot.  The next step for each of these initiatives is for the Colorado Secretary of...

PAY TO PLAY: Large Donors Have Direct Line To Hickenlooper

Looks like some small infant decided to cross the interstate again.  Gov. John Hickenlooper can’t seem to stop putting his foot in his mouth.  The latest?  His nonchalant admission he won’t be paying our sheriffs around Colorado a living wage because his biggest...

2022 General Election






