Recent Headlines

PEAKFEED: Democrat State Rep. Ginal Says Fracking Study is Political

When the Colorado State House debated a bill to conduct a study on fracking, Republican Rep. Lois Landgraf asked the bill's sponsor Democrat Rep. Joann Ginal whether the study would be scientific or political.  Rep. Ginal, a scientist herself, offered a, ahem,...

ICYMI: Tell Mark Udall Obamacare Is Striking Out

With the Rockies season opening last week and baseball getting into full swing, Americans for Prosperity cleverly seized the opportunity to hit a home run against incumbent liberal U.S. Senator Mark Udall.  At the Rockies' home opener last Friday, AFP activists passed...

PEAKFEED: Brophy Helps Colorado Break Up with Hick

PEAKFEED: Brophy Helps Colorado Break Up with Hick

In one of the most creative ads of the election season thus far, Republican state Sen. and candidate for Governor Greg Brophy offered Coloradans a way out of its unhealthy relationship with liberal Governor John Hickenlooper - a "Dear John" letter.  Just watch. From...

SELF DEFENSE GONE RIGHT: Dan Pabon, We Hope You’re Paying Attention

Over the last 18 months, Democrats in Colorado and across the country have renewed their assault on the 2nd Amendment.  They trot out statistics about gun violence and pass legislation under the guise of making us “safer,” but the truth is that they’re slowly trying...

2022 General Election






