WORLD IS NOT ENDING: But Read This Post, Anyway

Sometimes a headline nails the story, and the Pueblo Chieftain did so with this one: Lawmakers say they’ll set EPA budget, not Trump It’s a fact the hankie-wringing Democrats seem to forget every time a Republican is in the White House — the president proposes a...

CHA-CHING! EPA Restarts Repayments on Animas River Disaster

While liberals bureaucrats are screaming over at the EPA that the sky is falling, Chief Pruitt took the first steps towards repaying Colorado communities for costs associated with that spill they caused nearly two years ago at the Gold King Mine. The check for more...

FORMAL INVITATION: Hey EPA Chief, You’re Wanted in Colorado

U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner sent a formal invitation, and we hope it’s engraved, to new EPA Chief Pruitt inviting him to visit southwest Colorado and hold public meetings with residents to hear directly how that agency’s mine spill has affected lives. Pruitt made a...

SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL: Is The EPA’s Denver Office Really Closing?

Depending on where you read it, President Trump is either closing the Denver EPA office or expanding it. We can’t tell for sure because the original report is hidden behind a paywall at the newsletter publication called Inside EPA. What it says before jumping to the...

WOTUS: West Wins a Victory. Environmentalists Cry.

The West won a victory Tuesday when President Trump signed an executive order requiring the EPA to reexamine the need for the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule. Bruce Finley’s environmental buddies aren’t happy about it, he writes in the Denver Post, while...