Aug 8, 2016
U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet is trying to explain away his absence during the roll call vote of the Democratic Convention. That’s when Colorado superdelegates had to face angry Bernie supporters and essentially give the state’s support, which electorally went to Sanders,...
Jul 27, 2016
UPDATE: Well that was quick! The Denver Post is already out with an editorial (responding to our blog post perhaps?) about “why this matters.” All this shows, however, is that Dean Singleton, the Post’s owner, is pulling strings from the top trying...
Jul 26, 2016
Very little has been written about the Colorado Green party candidate for U.S. Senate, Arn Menconi, other than the obligatory mentions that he could serve as a potential spoiler for U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet. But some attention should be paid because, unlike many third...
Jun 16, 2016
Just when we thought we had nailed U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet’s position on the closing of Gitmo — he’s against it, but he’s also against moving detainees to Colorado because he’s up for reelection — he changes his mind again. Bennet voted in favor of the $602 billion...
Jun 13, 2016
Yes, you read that headline correctly. The Denver Elections Division is actively reaching out to inmates who are eligible to vote and getting them registered. The Division’s spokesman claims, “There’s nothing political about this process,” but in a year with so much...