The Soapbox

Opinion pieces from conservatives across the great State of Colorado. Have an opinion piece you’d like published? Email [email protected] and let’s talk.

With Dems in control 6 years, here’s what has become of Colorado

With Dems in control 6 years, here’s what has become of Colorado

Colorado has been under one party Democrat rule for half a dozen years and the result is unchecked crime, a crippled economy with exorbitant living costs, homelessness, and deadly drug abuse. Nearly 30% of Colorado adults reported anxiety or depressive disorders last...

Poll claims a Dem can win Colorado’s most conservative district

Poll claims a Dem can win Colorado’s most conservative district

A poll for a Democrat challenger in Colorado’s ruby red 4th Congressional district claims lefty Ike McCorkle could win the seat long held by the Republican Party and beat Lauren Boebert. Who the Hell is McCorkle, district voters might ask? He’s the Democrat who lost...

CD-3: Jeff Hurd pledges to defeat Dems’ war on western energy

CD-3: Jeff Hurd pledges to defeat Dems’ war on western energy

Poll after poll since Joe Biden took office as president has consistently shown the flailing economy is the chief concern among voters when it comes to the direction of our country. Sure, the pandemic didn’t help. But neither did the overreaction by Biden and Democrat...

Colo GOP Chair to debate congressional candidates June 3

Colo GOP Chair to debate congressional candidates June 3

Republican Congressional candidates in the contentious race for the 5th District seat representing the Colorado Springs area will face off in a debate June 3 beginning at 5:30 p.m. in Centennial Hall. The event will be moderated by Alasyn Zimmerman and is sponsored by...

Media outrage as the grass grows too damn high!

Media outrage as the grass grows too damn high!

Denver is surely the land of plenty spending billions of taxpayer dollars annually to grow the city bureaucracy and covering the living expenses of Biden’s Border Busters from around the globe. But the establishment media is plenty peeved because no one is mowing all...

Gov. Polis offers the worst advice yet for Biden to win reelection

Gov. Polis offers the worst advice yet for Biden to win reelection

The Colorado Sun asks Gov. Polis during its Wednesday morning podcast what advice he would give Joe Biden to win reelection. Could it be that Polis has the secret political recipe to convince voters to support a doddering old man who can’t enunciate past his dentures...

Denver to pay kids this summer not to be criminals or violent

Denver to pay kids this summer not to be criminals or violent

Democrats believe they have finally found the solution to stop kids from committing crimes. Basically, they’re going to pay them. The formula is based on middle class attitudes that have progressed over the decades from paying children for household chores, to...

Presidential Primary
















General Election






