The Soapbox

Opinion pieces from conservatives across the great State of Colorado. Have an opinion piece you’d like published? Email [email protected] and let’s talk.

More details revealed about the state Senate’s entitled drama queen

More details revealed about the state Senate’s entitled drama queen

As more details emerge in reports that state Sen. Sonya Jaquez is a rotten boss, it’s a toss-up as who sounds thinner skinned and entitled — the politician, or some of the people’s she’s hired. PeakNation will recall the vague accusations against the Longmont Democrat...

Finally. Colorado sued for unconstitutional sanctuary state laws

Finally. Colorado sued for unconstitutional sanctuary state laws

When masses of asylum and other immigration applications from would-be U.S. citizens are rejected by courts backlogged by the millions, those who have no intention of leaving will likely seek refuge in sanctuary states like Colorado. And when they are arrested for...

Gun ban passed by Colo House would be DOA at U.S. Supreme Court

Gun ban passed by Colo House would be DOA at U.S. Supreme Court

The Democrat-controlled state House worked during a rare late Sunday session when voters weren’t watching to strip Coloradans of their 2nd Amendment rights and ban so=called assault weapons. Even if it passes the Senate and is signed into law by Gov. Polis, the...

Several more Republicans qualify for 4th District congressional race

Several more Republicans qualify for 4th District congressional race

The most competitive congressional race in the state just got more crowded with several candidates qualifying for the Republican ballot in the 4th District by going directly to the voters instead of party insiders. Former state Sen. Jerry Sonnenberg, a Sterling...

Presidential Primary
















General Election






