Recent Headlines

Ethics violations: Chickenlooper hid behind the statute of limitations

Ethics violations: Chickenlooper hid behind the statute of limitations

The Independent Ethics Commission this week released its long awaited written opinion on John Hickenlooper's ethics violations detailing their rationale for levying $2,750 in fines against the former governor, the largest fine in the panel's history. One of the most...

The Canned Candidate: Hickenlooper Evades Voters, Reporters and Taxes

The Canned Candidate: Hickenlooper Evades Voters, Reporters and Taxes

John Hickenlooper flailed so wildly on the contentious issue of race, one might think the former governor thrilled to campaign on traditional western issues and participate by video in the Colorado Water Congress. One would be wrong. The Democrat’s campaign staff is...

Colorado Dems fan the flames on post office conspiracy theory

Colorado Dems fan the flames on post office conspiracy theory

Democrats around the country are spreading wild theories and accusing President Trump of sabotaging the U.S. Postal Service to win reelection, so of course Colorado's congressional delegation has to get in on the action. Never mind they are actually planning the...

2022 General Election






