Michael Bennet: Armchair cheerleader

I remember watching a football game with my dad way back when. It wasn't going well for our team and I plead with the television to put in the back-up quarterback. As quarter after quarter went by, I finally got my wish at the end of the game. The second stringer...

Morse still doesn’t make enough

Imagine going into your boss' office and explaining that you don't make enough money and deserve a 150% raise. I'm pretty sure what his or her reaction would be.However, that didn't stop Senator John Morse, who recently told a Gazette reporter that...

Open Letter to Senator Bennet

Dear Senator Bennet,Thank you for standing up for us voters without a photo ID. I've been living without an ID card for some time and imagine I am one of the 11% you cited in your letter to the DOJ.I was so moved by your stance, I decided I would come and tell you...

Common Cause Shows its Hypocrisy

Apparently, the liberal attack machine is in full swing hunting down an alleged “secret meeting” of wealthy, right-wing donors. Leading the charge is self-proclaimed purist, Common Cause.These groups claim that the Koch brothers, who are wealthy donors to...