Recent Headlines

THANK A DEMOCRAT: Republican Favorability Highest in Seven Years

A recent Gallup poll showed that Republicans favorability is the highest it has been in seven years heading into the 2018 midterm elections. In fact, going into this blue tsunami, Republicans have a higher favorability rating (45%) than Democrats (44%). Ouch. Is it...

WANT TO VOTE? Register Today, Then Actually Vote

Tuesday is National Voter Registration Day across America, but we don’t expect much of a rush here in Colorado. That’s because 90 percent of the state is already registered to vote. Finally, the day we've been waiting for! #NationalVoterRegistrationDay is TODAY!...

ENDORSEMENT ALERT: Fort Collins Coloradoan Endorses Brauchler for AG

It's no secret that Republican Attorney General candidate George Brauchler is infinitely more qualified than his opponent, Democrat Phil Weiser. Weiser has spent his career as an academic and, literally, has never stepped foot in a Colorado courtroom - at least not...

POT MEET KETTLE: Polis Buying Our Loyalty, to Take Away Jobs

Jared Polis is courting farmer voters these days, or should we say this minute, since we saw it on Twitter. His blink-of-an-eye message is beyond Orwellian. Coming from Polis, it’s flat-out laughable. First take away their markets and livelihood, then show up with...

COLORADO INTERFERENCE: Pelosi’s Sleazy Campaign of Deception

Nancy Pelosi is so desperate to regain her throne as House majority leader, she’s financing a sleazy campaign against U.S. Rep. Mike Coffman that’s full of lies and deception. So explains the Colorado Springs Gazette, and we concur. Never mind that Coffman was chief...

HEINOUS: Activists Suggest Minority Leader’s Kids Should Be Assaulted

Liberal activists are incredibly gross. After House Minority Leader Patrick Neville responded to criticism of Judge Brett Kavanaugh with a joke, liberal activists took to social media spewing hate. The worst, by far, was one activist who suggested that Neville's...

BUSTED! Denver VA Official Arrested for Taking Bribes to Rig Bids

The Trump administration has busted a Denver VA official for taking bribes from small businesses to rig the bidding process for contracts at local facilities. Dwane Nevins was busted by undercover FBI agents after he tried to extort $10,000 from them, Colorado Public...

TBT: Remember When Democrats Promoted a Sexual Harasser?

This week has been chock full of liberal attempts to smear Republicans for joking about accusations against U.S. Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh by a woman who waited nearly 40 years to tell her story, which has holes you could drive a bus through and...

2022 General Election






