Recent Headlines

PROMISES KEPT: Trump Chooses People Over Liberal Politics

The whole uprising of environmentalists to save the sage grouse from “extinction” was a scandalous charade to block westerners from using public lands. After reviewing the Obama era rule that locked us all from using173 million acres of public lands where a half...

SAY WHAT? Left’s Indivisible Group Takes Up Arms (Yes, We Mean Guns)

In a strange turn of events, the far left, Bernie-backed Indivisible-esque groups, called Redneck Revolt, in Colorado are taking up arms and forming their own pseudo militias, according to a bizarre article by the Colorado Springs Independent. From the article: "Aside...

LAWSUIT: Our Rivers Are Out To Get Us

Rivers are people too, and that’s why the Colorado River is suing all of us. We have violated the rippling water’s right to exist and flourish, because we human beings apparently exist and there’s not enough room on the plant for all of us, or some such nonsense....

KILL THIS ONE: Taxed If We Do, Taxed If We Don’t

We’re taxed if we do and taxed if we don’t buy health care. Congress may have hit the wall trying to eliminate the tax for not buying insurance, but U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner is working to get rid of that tax we have to pay under Obamacare on our policy premiums....

2022 General Election






