Recent Headlines

WE REMEMBER: Ronald Reagan Memorialized Fallen Soldiers Like No Other

Today, many will barbeque with family and friends, but a select few will remember the lives of their loved ones who gave everything to defend our freedom and our way of life. To them, we say thank you. Perhaps the best speech ever given on Memorial Day came from...

HELP WANTED: These Jobs Need Filling

The White House is looking at four finalists to fill Denver’s U.S. attorney position and it doesn’t appear that acting U.S. Attorney Bob Troyer is one of them. According to Colorado Politics, the potential nominees are: David Blake, Colorado’s chief deputy attorney...

SCANDAL DEGETTE: Pakistani Staffer Had Access to Colorado Data

An alert reader brought our attention to an ongoing Beltway scandal involving Pakistani House committee staffers suspected of massive cybersecurity breaches into congressional computers — one of whom was on U.S. Rep. Diana DeGette’s payroll and had access to her data....

BLIND BASHING: But What Would Perlmutter do?

It appears that every Democrat in Congress is bashing the Trump administration budget. But we’re not interested in every Democrat, just the one who wants to be our governor. U.S. Rep. Ed Perlmutter appears to have given little, if any thought to his budget bashing. He...

MIXING IT UP: Moreno Enters CD 7 Primary

The Democrat primary for the 7th Congressional District just got another candidate as state Sen. Dominick Moreno, of Commerce City, entered the race. He joins his colleagues from the state legislature Sen. Andy Kerr and Rep. Brittany Pettersen, who are both from...

BREAKING: Climate Change Solution Solved! Maybe.

We have found the tool to reverse climate change. It’s been staring us in the face for years, but in typical fashion, all we did was poke fun at the irony of it and endlessly mock it. Take notes Greenies, because we believe this to be the only, and most important...

2022 General Election






