Recent Headlines

MOST PARTISAN EVER? New Supreme Court Possibility Raises Eyebrows

Before the newest Colorado Supreme Court nomination gets out of hand, we thought it would be a good idea to take a look at University of Colorado Law Professor Melissa Hart. Hart would undoubtedly be the most partisan selection Coloradans have seen on the court as...

SMOKING CRACK: D.C. Enviros Accuse Westerners of Land Grab

There is nothing more annoying than Washington environmentalists throwing a tie-dyed hissy fit and wailing that westerners are determined to destroy the very public lands that we have been entrusted to protect for centuries. Having said that, prepare to share in our...

GLOOM AND DOOM? Rain Stops Long Enough for Fire Warnings

There is a significant potential for wildfires this summer in a dozen states, the National Interagency Fire Center warned in its seasonal forecast last week. Colorado is not one of them. Because of substantial rainfall in recent months that was 150 percent above...

BITTER PILL: Obamacare Not Equal for all Coloradans

#Obama: Uninsured rate at lowest ever. Health care prices rising at slowest rate. No one denied for pre-existing conditions. — Electa Draper (@ElectaDraper) June 9, 2015 Prices rising slowly? That's great, because the initial price tags were exorbitant. Just ask ski...

2022 General Election






