Recent Headlines

OBAMACARENOMICS: Where “Cheaper” Plans Cost You More

OBAMACARENOMICS: Where “Cheaper” Plans Cost You More

PeakNation™, next time a dead-head liberal tries to claim Obamacare is the “free-market solution” just ask them this riddle: where else in the free market will you end up paying more when a good you use becomes cheaper?  But that is exactly the new reality that...

Peak Feed: Haters Don’t Be Hating Exposes Insanity of Anti-Jeffco Ads

The Jeffco School Board has obviously irritated the Jeffco Teachers Union by giving their teachers a raise and asking that they actually perform in classrooms (the horror).  That must be why the Democratic Party tried to turn a simple request to review curriculum into...

ZERO SUBSTANCE: According to Markey, Hick has Worked Zero Days

What is normally a boring race for an office that gets little attention has turned out to be one of the nastiest, and frankly, most entertaining to watch of 2014. We are, of course, referring to the match up between current Treasurer Walker Stapleton and failed...

PeakFeed: Hick’s Creepy Creepers

PeakFeed: Hick’s Creepy Creepers

PeakNation™, we know Halloween is right around the corner and it’s that time of year for all the creepy-crawlers to emerge from their dark holes and terrorize people, we just didn’t know Gov. John Hickenlooper loved Halloween so much that he’s employed his own creepy...

BYE BYE UDALL: Poll Swing 8 Points Towards Gardner Since September

BYE BYE UDALL: Poll Swing 8 Points Towards Gardner Since September

In September, a Rasmussen poll had Rep. Cory Gardner losing to Sen. Mark Udall by 2 points; in the beginning of October a Rasmussen poll had Gardner only up by 1 point; now, a Rasmussen poll today has Gardner up by 6 points.  -2, +1, +6, anyone else see a trend here?...

OCTOBER 27 BALLOT RETURNS: Republicans Maintain Ballot Return Leads

Republicans in Colorado are continuing to outpace Democrats in early ballot returns, maintaining their lead with ballots returned as of this morning.  The Secretary of State's office reported that 660,113 ballots have been cast.  Here's the breakdown: Statewide:...

BACON? Have CO Dems and Romanoff Literally Given Up on Campaign?

BACON? Have CO Dems and Romanoff Literally Given Up on Campaign?

An astute reader sent us a recently-received mailer from the Colorado Dems on behalf of Andrew Romanoff.  It doesn't say anything of substance about Romanoff...unless that substance is bacon.  Then, it says a lot.  Just check it out: Here are five reasons this mailer...

JUST OFFENSIVE: Hick Questions Legitimacy of Sex Offender Status

JUST OFFENSIVE: Hick Questions Legitimacy of Sex Offender Status

UPDATE: Colorado has what's called a "Romeo and Juliet" exception to statutory rape. This type of law creates exemptions for consensual sex between someone 14 years or younger who has sex with someone three or fewer years older.  Why this matters - Hick, tonight, was...

OCT 24 BALLOT RETURNS: Republicans Still Leading

Republicans in Colorado are continuing to outpace Democrats in early ballot returns, growing their lead with ballots returned as of this morning.  So far, 518,610 ballots have been reported as cast.  Here's the breakdown: Statewide: D: 164,443 R: 226,923 U: 121,812...

2022 General Election






