Recent Headlines

SPIN CYCLE: Hickenlooper Wishy-Washy on Guns; CPR Covers His…Tail

Colorado Public Radio, in a recent interview with Governor Hickenlooper, seemingly made up a quote to give Hick a spine that he has clearly demonstrated he doesn’t have.  Here is how CPR wrote up the story: "If someone comes and has some way of improving or changing...

THEY HEARD US: Sen. Udall Receives Lie of the Year Award from RNC

We know we've hit Sen. Udall awfully hard on the Obamacare scandal here in Colorado, where 250,000 Coloradans have lost their health insurance because of the Great Mess aka Obamacare.  It's gratifying, though, when someone else backs up your assertions.  To that, we...

PeakFeed: Students Show Support for Arapahoe High Victim Claire Davis

Yesterday, students from Cherry Creek and Arapahoe High Schools showed support for Arapahoe High School victim Claire Davis by releasing balloons in her honor.  Davis, who is in a coma, remains in stable, but critical condition, after a gunman shot her in the head...

FAUX INDEPENDENT: As Predicted, Thiry Jumps into the Political Fray

Some people say that independents are really liberals who don't want to admit it.  Never was that more true in the case of DaVita CEO Kent Thiry, who recently unveiled his scheme to change Colorado's primary system.  According to a report in The Denver Post: ''The...

UDALL GOES BIG: 2013 Wastebook Reveals Obamacare’s Outsized Cost

UDALL GOES BIG: 2013 Wastebook Reveals Obamacare’s Outsized Cost

You’ve got to hand it to Senator Udall, when he lies to Coloradans and blows through taxpayer funds, he does it while lighting a huge pile of money on fire. Senator Tom Coburn’s just-released “2013 Wastebook puts the – still rising— costs at $1.063 Billion dollars for...

PeakFeed: #UdallLied and I Am Created Equal Calls Him Out

I Am Created Equal Action's Laura Carno today launched, a project focused on exposing Democratic U.S. Senator Mark Udall's lies and leadership failures.  According to her press release: “Mark Udall proudly cast the decisive 60th vote for ObamaCare.... ...

2022 General Election






