BIG SURPRISE: Polis sheds tears at exact same comparison he made

BIG SURPRISE: Polis sheds tears at exact same comparison he made

The media are having a field day with Gov. Polis’s over-the-top emotional movement this week when he teared up because some people used the “N” word to describe government stay-at-home orders and forced business closings. That sort of language is almost always...
CRINGE WORTHY: Bragging About Fundraising in a Time of COVID-19

CRINGE WORTHY: Bragging About Fundraising in a Time of COVID-19

It just seems like bad taste for politicos to be bragging about how much money they raised in a quarter that coincides with a pandemic and thousands of folks getting sick and dying. On the one hand, we were just glad to finally see a story that wasn’t about COVID-19. ...
BIG SURPRISE: Polis sheds tears at exact same comparison he made

GOVERNOR’S MASQUERADE: Where is Polis’s Face Mask?

It’s been nearly two weeks since Gov. Polis instructed us all to start wearing masks to contain the spread of COVID-19. Or as we fondly remember it, the only time we’ve actually seen Gov. Polis actually wearing a mask. #coloradomaskproject Let’s wear masks, Colorado!...
GET OUT OF THE WAY: Why Dems Want to Slow Jam the Economy Reboot

GET OUT OF THE WAY: Why Dems Want to Slow Jam the Economy Reboot

This is exactly what we were afraid would happen. Governments so effortlessly laid off millions of workers in the private sector and within a few short weeks had our economy on a ventilator for life-support. The pandemic response was supposed to last a couple of...
PROPERTY TAX BREAK: How Denver Can Really Help Ease Housing Costs

PROPERTY TAX BREAK: How Denver Can Really Help Ease Housing Costs

As the number of COVID-19 cases starts to stabilize nationwide, it’s time for governments to shift gears and refocus on rebooting the economy, not crippling it even further like Denver’s socialist proclamation mandating a rent-free city. It’s a pie-in-the-sky effort...
STATE OF FREELOADERS: Denver City Council Wants a Ban on Rent

STATE OF FREELOADERS: Denver City Council Wants a Ban on Rent

The public won’t get a chance to weigh in with comments during tonight’s Denver City Council meeting on whether the government should declare us a state of freeloaders with a moratorium on paying the rent. The city council is likely to pass their proclamation that...