Recent Headlines

PRIMARY FACTS: The Dates You Need To Know For The Primary Election

This week is officially the beginning of the end of primary season as primary ballots go out in the mail.  While many Republican contests across the state are still up for grabs, none are bigger than the GOP race for governor. Here is some basic information on the...

BLOW HARDER: Udall’s Confusing Rhetoric On Colorado Energy

What planet do Colorado Democrats live on where they think President’s Obama’s new carbon dioxide regulations are good for Colorado?  This regulation, everyone agrees, is aimed at killing off coal and coal plants.  Here’s some basic facts about coal in Colorado: 63%...

CHILLING: Denver Post Editorial Board Pans Amendment 75

Despite the clamor that fractivists who are pushing local control initiatives have made about the ills of fracking, The Denver Post ed board rightly identifies the larger issue with the local control initiatives - they don't just apply to fracking, but to all...

WHY SO SECRETIVE? Hick Signing of Hydro Bill “Invite Only”

The Montrose Press made an odd discovery earlier this week - Gov. John Hickenlooper's event to sign H.B.14-1030 is invitation only.  According to the quick note on the newspaper's website: A media advisory was sent last week, but it failed to indicate that the signing...

SHINSEKI FALLOUT ROUNDUP: Where CO Politicians Fall On His Demise

PeakNation™, we’ve already written on what Gen. Eric Shinseki’s resignation means for Rep. Mike Coffman– a man who has been on the VA’s ass for the past year, and one of the first to call for Shinseki to step down.  But, what about the rest of the Colorado's...

2022 General Election






