Recent Headlines

CASCADING FAILURE: Udall Backed Obamacare Tanking Entire Health Industry

CASCADING FAILURE: Udall Backed Obamacare Tanking Entire Health Industry

Quick, Senator Udall, bust out some more B.S. on how you are defending Coloradans’ privacy because we’ve got some more bad news on Obamacare that you enabled. As reported by The Washington Times today, the rating agency Moody’s Investor Service has changed its outlook...

WE COUNT TOO: New Rural Caucus Draws National Attention

WE COUNT TOO: New Rural Caucus Draws National Attention

The division between rural Colorado and the Dome has come under national spotlight as The Daily Caller highlighted the formation of the bipartisan Rural Caucus.  The caucus should rise in prominence especially in light of last week’s attempt to lower the rural...

PEAKFEED: I Am Created Equal’s New Ad

Today, "I Am Created Equal" Action Fund released a new ad to "expose Mark Udall's Lies", according to a press release.  See the ad below. Check out for more information. From the ad: "Senator Mark Udall cast the 60th and decisive vote for...

I HAVE A DREAM: Remembering Martin Luther King, Jr.

Today, we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  His nonviolent approach to fighting for equal rights for people of color in the United States served as an inspiration to all who seek freedom.  Below is his most famous speech "I Have a Dream". ...

FRACKING BAN = JOBS BAN: PA Fractivists’ Law Costs Lafayette Jobs

There was a reason Lafayette’s city council voted to oppose the city-wide fracking ban on the ballot last November: they said it would cost money to litigate and scare businesses away from Lafayette.  We’ve already seen the former come to fruition, and a new article...

2022 General Election






