Video: Hickenlooper compares himself to a slave beaten with a whip

Video: Hickenlooper compares himself to a slave beaten with a whip

Video surfaced today of ethically-challenged Senate candidate John Hickenlooper comparing his time as governor to being a slave on a slave ship. Political activist and Denver School Board Director, Tay Anderson, tweeted out the video this morning, saying it was from a...
King Polis proclaims Castle Rock restaurant may reopen

King Polis proclaims Castle Rock restaurant may reopen

His Majesty King Polis, slayer of small businesses and maker of masks, will shine his favor upon the C&C Cafe of Castle Rock and allow the restaurant to reopen That’s about 18 days later than Polis allowed every other restaurant in the state to reopen with dine-in...
U.S. Sen. Bennet wants to rename his office building to stop racism

U.S. Sen. Bennet wants to rename his office building to stop racism

It started with Confederate generals and now it’s progressed to the first president of the United States of America. Radical Democrats are on a statue and name-erasing spree in their quest for justice and to right every wrong throughout our country’s history. But...

Michael Bennet holds press conference to celebrate another failure

U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet held a press conference, along with floundering U.S. Senate candidate John Hickenlooper and other Democrats today, to make sure every single Coloradan knows he once again failed to accomplish anything in the United States Senate. U.S. Sen....