Recent Headlines

PRIMER: Everything You Wanted to Know About Mailing in Your Ballot

Election Day Weeks officially arrived yesterday as the first ballots were sent out.  Some have already arrived in mailboxes.  Since this may be confusing for some, we have created a calendar based on the Secretary of State's calendar for you, PeakNation™.  You're...

RETREAT, PART II: National Dems Pull Udall’s Funding, Too

According to a recent report,  it's not just Andrew Romanoff who is feeling a little lighter in the wallet.  The National Review reported the Senate Majority PAC has yanked $289,000 in ads planned to support embattled Sen. Mark Udall's campaign.  The post was based on...

LAWYERED: Pols Demands Ad Pulled After Lawyers Already Cleared It

LAWYERED: Pols Demands Ad Pulled After Lawyers Already Cleared It

PeakNation™, Friday was a day that really make us wonder are Colorado Lefties playing checkers, while we here at the Peak play Mario Kart chess.  Rep. Cory Gardner gets The Denver Post’s endorsement which reverberates across the country, and completely destroys Sen....

RETREAT, PART I: National Dems Cancel Million-Dollar Ad Buy for Romanoff

...And curtain.  In case you missed it, on Friday, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee pulled $1.4 million in ad buys to benefit Andrew Romanoff.  It looks like it's game over for our poor carpetbagging friend.  This was previously considered one of the...

2022 General Election






